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Navigating Martech Stack Transformation in the Omnichannel Decade

As 2023 approaches, businesses are looking to their martech stacks to ensure they are getting the most from them. In recent martech workshops, stack leaders have posed numerous questions around CDP programs, rethinking their engagement tier, and adtech-martech integration, pointing to a broader reset occurring across enterprise martech stacks. CDP programs have become a ‘stalking horse’ for customer data modernisation, with one-third of CDP selection projects often being replacement efforts due to a poor-fitting choice originally. Before selecting any new technology, businesses should consider the need for customer data ecosystem modernisation, as this will take several years to complete. Rethinking the engagement tier is also a priority, as many platforms have become long in the tooth and integration with other platforms at the same tier is a challenge. The omnichannel decade is driving a ‘legless’ model, where key content, data and decisioning services are decoupled from silos serving individual channels. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are also a priority, as businesses should consider them as a layer in their stack and develop their own decoupled capabilities. Finally, adtech-martech stack integration is something many businesses are looking into. Questions around analytics and attribution models, leveraging first-party data, navigating consent and automating integration of paid media and owned-channel touchpoints are all being asked. There is enthusiasm around creating more efficient spend in all channels, particularly paid media, but this is more of an organisational than a technical challenge. Businesses should create an intentional strategy around martech stack transformation, and not recoil from making tough decisions about legacy platforms. This will ensure they get the most from their stack in the coming years.

Originally reported by Martech:
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