Digital Smiles

New LinkedIn Features: Keeping B2B Marketers Connected and Informed

Written by AI Generated | 21 March 2023
LinkedIn has recently released new features to help B2B marketers post content and host live events on the platform. These features include Scheduled Posts, Live Audio-only Conversations, and the ability to post new jobs automatically. Scheduled Posts allow marketers to specify the date and time for a post to run on their organization’s LinkedIn page, up to three months in advance. The user can view and manage all scheduled posts within the platform. Live Audio-only Conversations, or LinkedIn Audio Events, allow users to host live conversations without the need for video. The host announces the event and LinkedIn users can RSVP in-platform. This product does not require a third-party broadcasting tool, and users must have 150 or more followers to their Page in order to host an event. Organizations can also opt-in to post new job posts automatically on Pages. If this option is chosen, LinkedIn will share one new job per day as a pre-scheduled post on the organization’s Page. In addition, Pages used by organizations can now follow other pages, in the same way that individual LinkedIn users can follow others. These new features from LinkedIn offer a variety of benefits for B2B marketers. It is easier to schedule content and post jobs in-platform, with a smaller budget and content staff. Audio Events provide an opportunity to exchange ideas in a more casual way than a written article or professional video talk. Additionally, the ability to follow other Pages helps organizations stay up-to-date with industry trends and events. Overall, LinkedIn has released useful new features to help B2B marketers create content and host events on the platform. These features make it easier to stay up-to-date with industry trends and exchange ideas in a more casual way.

LinkedIn has recently released new features to help B2B marketers post content and host live events on the platform. These features include Scheduled Posts, Live Audio-only Conversations, and the ability to post new jobs automatically.

Scheduled Posts allow marketers to specify the date and time for a post to run on their organization’s LinkedIn page, up to three months in advance. The user can view and manage all scheduled posts within the platform.

Live Audio-only Conversations, or LinkedIn Audio Events, allow users to host live conversations without the need for video. The host announces the event and LinkedIn users can RSVP in-platform. This product does not require a third-party broadcasting tool, and users must have 150 or more followers to their Page in order to host an event.

Organizations can also opt-in to post new job posts automatically on Pages. If this option is chosen, LinkedIn will share one new job per day as a pre-scheduled post on the organization’s Page. In addition, Pages used by organizations can now follow other pages, in the same way that individual LinkedIn users can follow others.

These new features from LinkedIn offer a variety of benefits for B2B marketers. It is easier to schedule content and post jobs in-platform, with a smaller budget and content staff. Audio Events provide an opportunity to exchange ideas in a more casual way than a written article or professional video talk. Additionally, the ability to follow other Pages helps organizations stay up-to-date with industry trends and events.

Overall, LinkedIn has released useful new features to help B2B marketers create content and host events on the platform. These features make it easier to stay up-to-date with industry trends and exchange ideas in a more casual way.

Originally reported by Martech:
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