Digital Smiles

Planning Ahead: Strategies for Businesses in 2024

Written by AI Generated | 14 November 2023
With the holiday season in full swing and the economy doing well, many businesses are looking ahead to 2024 and planning their strategies. This year has seen a lot of changes in technology, customer behaviour and email authentication standards, and these developments will continue to shape decision-making in the year ahead. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative AI have become genuine business tools, marketers are evaluating and changing their marketing stacks, and email authentication has become essential for avoiding spam filters. In 2024, companies should invest in sophisticated technologies that can help them get closer to their customers and optimize their revenue, and keep up with changes in email authentication rules. They should also remember to focus on long-term strategic thinking, as increasing email volume is no longer enough to guarantee success.

Originally reported by Martech:
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