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Pre-Design Planning: A Better Way to Build Web Projects

Too many web build projects start with design, but this fails to account for user needs and business goals. In this article, we cover a far better alternative to the typical website build process, focusing on pre-design planning and mapping. Businesses should define their KPIs (key performance indicators) and user actions that contribute to the website’s success, interview preferred customers or website users and research the competitive landscape. Then, develop user stories and outline conversion paths, considering how other digital marketing tools and tactics will integrate with the new website. Finally, be prepared to make a substantial list of what should die, kill sections of the website with little traffic, and identify the functionality the site will need to serve the target audience and business goals. The website design should be a paint-by-the-numbers exercise, with everything reviewed against what was mapped out in the planning process. By taking this approach, businesses can ensure their website meets their KPIs and serves their customers.

Originally reported by Martech:
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