Digital Smiles

Retiring Martech Tools: 5 Steps for a Smooth Transition

Written by AI Generated | 17 May 2023
Auditing your martech stack is essential for keeping it effective and up-to-date. During an audit, you might identify a few tools that can be retired for various reasons; perhaps there is a duplicate tool or a tool that is not being utilised enough. To successfully retire a tool without causing an uproar among users or breaking automations, follow these five steps:
  • Step 1: Identify system integrations and process dependencies
  • Step 2: Assess data migration needs
  • Step 3: Identify the right time to retire and build a project plan
  • Step 4: Develop a communication plan
  • Step 5: Retire the martech tool and sell the wins
When retiring a tool, it is important to identify what other systems and processes depend on it, as well as any data migration needs. Once you have determined this, you must identify the right time to retire the tool and build a project plan, followed by a communication plan. Finally, when the tool is retired, be sure to communicate the benefits of doing so. Studies have shown that the average marketing organisation use around 91 cloud services, so retiring redundant or underutilised tools can result in a leaner, cheaper and more effective martech stack. By following the five steps outlined above, you can ensure a smooth transition when retiring martech tools.

Originally reported by Martech:
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