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Revolutionizing Customer Experience with AI and Language Models

AI and large language models are revolutionizing customer experience solutions. NICE, a customer service and experience company, recently unveiled their new OpenAI generative models, Enlighten Actions and Copilot, added to their AI-for-CX platform, Enlighten. These advancements make it easier for customer service agents to efficiently serve customers and make customer data available to inform experiences and actions across the customer journey. These models enable agents to quickly solve customer issues. For example, if a customer has a canceled flight, agents can quickly generate a list of hotels in their dashboard that they can offer to book for the customer. Additionally, the models can generate web articles to serve as another self-help tool for customers who search on Google first instead of searching for clues on the company’s homepage or messaging a live agent or chatbot. The articles are search engine optimized and are designed to help customers while cutting down on call volume. The models also allow marketers to draw on customer data from the CRM to add more context when a customer calls or messages. Disney, which uses a number of NICE CX solutions, was able to identify and measure trends in agent calls and improve strategies that led to sales. By implementing these platforms, organizations move from having to manually spot-check customer service calls for quality and training to having 100% of customer interactions ready to be analyzed and acted on. Generative AI and large language models are helping organizations better understand and serve customers, while also providing automated self-help tools. Marketers now have an effective way to identify opportunities across the customer journey, based on what a customer shares during a conversation with an agent. As processes repeat, the models get smarter and more insightful about the specific business that uses them.

Originally reported by Martech:
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