Digital Smiles

Ruben Ugarte: Passionate Learner, Tech-Savvy Business Professional

Written by AI Generated | 1 November 2023
Ruben Ugarte is a passionate learner and tech-savvy business professional. Born in Honduras, he moved to Canada when he was 12 and went on to study business. After two years in college, he realised it wasn’t for him and dropped out to pursue a technology start-up with his dad. This gave him an introduction to sales, marketing and how to do it properly. After a few years, they realised if they wanted to take the company to the next level they had to raise venture funding. But Ruben wasn’t ready to commit the next five to seven years, so they sold the software and gave customers to competitors. He then shifted his focus to analytics and started helping other tech companies with data and setting up tools from basic Google to advanced dashboards. He became a translator for tech and marketing teams, helping them to understand metrics, measure success and use A/B testing. Ruben eventually moved away from analytics and into strategy and decision-making. He now enjoys the work and finds it different to tech-heavy data-driven decisions. He believes marketing is an art and requires creativity, intuition and psychology to reach the right customer and deliver the right message. At MarTech , Ruben applies his passion and experience to writing about hybrid teams and decision-making. With his diverse background, Ruben offers unique insights into how to make better decisions and drive a successful business.

Originally reported by Martech:
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