Digital Smiles

Should You Invest in a Data Clean Room?

Written by AI Generated | 22 June 2023
Data clean rooms (DCRs) are an increasingly popular technology for marketers that enables them to combine data sets with those from other parties in a privacy-compliant way. To determine if a DCR is right for their organization, businesses should consider three main types of DCR providers: Walled gardens from Big Tech companies, infrastructure providers, and stand-alone clean room solutions. Companies can choose to purchase the technology as a stand-alone product or as a feature built off of a broader data services offering. Organizations should also consider the people they have in place, their data maturity, and their budget to narrow down the list of DCR vendors. To learn more about DCRs and how to implement them, watch The MarTech Conference or subscribe to MarTech! Daily.

Originally reported by Martech:
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