Digital Smiles

SMBs: Wasting Time and Money on Redundant Martech

Written by AI Generated | 7 June 2023
Many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are wasting time and money on redundant marketing technology (martech), according to a new survey by Capterra. The survey revealed that SMBs spend around $43,500 each year on martech that is rarely used, and 39% of marketers say they have to spend more time on tasks due to martech performing the same or overlapping functions. The problems this causes include having to spend too much time learning new technology, switching between applications adding to inefficiency, having too many unused features causing workflow confusion, and difficulties accessing programs due to credentials or user levels. Moreover, 63% of marketers say this redundant tech has either no impact or has decreased their company’s technology ROI. The most common reason for all this redundancy is to support employee preferences (51%), followed by staying innovative (47%), being flexible in how they work (44%) and keeping up with competitors (39%). Furthermore, only 34% of SMB marketers say their company actively limits non-IT employees’ ability to adopt new software without approval. Removing the redundant software is not easy either. Even when everyone agrees, 66% say it takes four months to a year to fully remove an application. Worse, only 26% say their company formally cancels service and/or payments with the software provider. In conclusion, it is essential for SMBs to regularly audit their software and ensure that they are not wasting money and time on redundant martech. Having a formal process in place to limit non-IT employee's ability to add software and for IT to remove software is also important.

Originally reported by Martech:
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