Digital Smiles

Staying Compliant with GDPR: Challenges and Changes for Marketers

Written by AI Generated | 11 May 2023
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was adopted in 2018 by the European Union to protect the personal information of EU citizens. It requires any company that markets goods or services to EU residents to comply with the law, regardless of their location. Five years later, there are still challenges to enforcing the law, as well as a need for procedural changes and fines for GDPR violations. In the US, several states have passed or are proposing their own data privacy laws, and there is a bipartisan effort to create a national standard around individual rights. Marketers need to ensure their companies are compliant with GDPR and all other applicable data privacy regulations. This means understanding the types of data they collect, how it is processed, stored, and what kind of sensitive personal information it contains, as well as getting the proper permission to gather or use users’ personal information. Companies should also show users their concerns over online privacy are valid by handling data with care. The European Commission is looking to streamline the way data protection authorities across the EU work together when enforcing GDPR in cross-border cases. Meanwhile, EU regulators have issued hefty fines against companies like Meta, Amazon, and Google for violating the law. It is essential for marketers to stay informed about the latest changes to data privacy laws and be able to react quickly when issues arise. By keeping up-to-date with GDPR, marketers can ensure their companies remain compliant and protect users’ personal data.

Originally reported by Martech:
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