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Striking a Balance: Responsible AI with Human in the Loop

At the recent PegaWorld iNspire conference, experts discussed the risks of rogue AI and the need to keep a human in the loop for responsible AI. At the heart of the discussion was the need to strike a balance between the accuracy of opaque algorithms and the explicability of transparent ones. Pega launched the "T-Switch" in 2017 to allow businesses to dial the level of transparency up and down on a sliding scale for each AI model. The company also announced 20 generative AI-powered “boosters”, including gen AI chatbots, automated workflows and content optimization. All these products have a human in the loop, as this is essential to mitigate the risk of AI going rogue. Examples of these are Rabobank’s “Customer Decision Hub” which processes 1.5 billion interactions per year and Pega’s complex workflow, in Turkish, for a loan application. However, the need for a human in the loop raises questions about scalability. Therefore, businesses must put governance in place to ensure the right level of governance is applied, depending on the level of risk. This will ensure that AI-driven automation is done better and faster, while still being responsible.

Originally reported by Martech:
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