Digital Smiles

Uniting Art & Science: Emarsys' Power to the Marketer Festival

Written by AI Generated | 5 June 2023

As marketers, we understand the delicate balancing act between businesses and customers. To succeed, both must be satisfied. Businesses have their own concerns such as revenue, growth, and operations, which often mean little to customers. On the other hand, businesses often view customers as line items in a financial report. To bridge the gap, art and science must be combined to create, connect, and convert customers, and to deliver, optimize, and measure results. Brands that can blend the art and science of marketing stand a better chance of driving customer loyalty and building long-term relationships.

SAP Emarsys' Power to the Marketer Festival is a year-long initiative to celebrate the exceptional efforts of marketing individuals and teams throughout the world. It consists of both in-person and online events. The first online event, the Power to the Marketer Festival Omnichannel Masterclass, will run from 7-8 June, and event attendees can expect practitioner-led, expert insights on how top brands have applied the art and science of marketing. The first in-person event will be on 13 June in Munich, Germany, featuring talks on topics such as Fireside Chat: From Pure Play to Omnichannel Challenger, Panel Discussion: Investing To Win In A Cut-Back Economy, and Panel Discussion: How to Make Data Your Secret Weapon.

The combination of art and science in marketing is essential for success. SAP Emarsys' Power to the Marketer Festival is an opportunity for marketers to gain a better understanding of this process and learn from the best in the business. For more information on the online and in-person events, check out the festival registration page and book your spot.

Originally reported by Martech:
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