Evaluating the true return on investment (ROI) of a customer data platform (CDP) requires understanding how the technology impacts key business metrics and enables more efficient operations. To that end, BlueConic commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study to measure profit and operational efficiency gains that can be unlocked with BlueConic. On May 4th, Forrester's Joe Stanhope, VP, Principal Analyst, and Julia Fadzeyeza, Principal Consultant, will join BlueConic's CMO, Patrick Reynolds, to discuss the findings of the TEI study and how BlueConic customers achieved up to 90% time savings on segmentation, customer journeys, and reporting tasks. Additionally, customers saw increased profits of $5.4M from improved conversion rates, new data monetization revenue streams, and strategic partnership growth, as well as faster, higher-quality decision-making and support for future growth.
The webinar on the TEI study, entitled “How BlueConic Customers Reduced Operational Costs by Up to 90% Time Savings”, will be held on Thursday, May 4th, at 11am ET/5pm CEST. Those who cannot attend live can still register to receive a link to the recording.
Originally reported by Martech: https://martech.org/forrester-total-economic-impact-study-reveals-increased-efficiency-for-marketers/
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