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Unlock the Benefits of Identity Resolution Platforms

Identity resolution platforms are software solutions that integrate consumer identifiers across channels and devices in a way that is accurate, scalable and privacy compliant in order to create a persistent and addressable individual profile. These platforms enable businesses to “close the loop” on customer marketing, analytics and compliance with a comprehensive holistic view of activity across all their customer touchpoints and channels. This includes both online (device, email, cookie or mobile ad ID) and offline (name, address, phone number) data signals and attributes.

A number of key factors have recently promoted the importance of these platforms. Firstly, the ongoing deprecation of third-party cookies and mobile identifiers due to concerns about consumer privacy. Secondly, the creation of “walled gardens” by tech giants like Google, Facebook and Amazon, which prevent marketers from accessing large pools of potential customer data. Lastly, the rapid growth of connected TV (CTV) advertising, which requires advanced audience targeting that identity solutions are key to enabling.

Identity resolution platforms support marketing processes around targeting, measurement and personalization for both known and anonymous audiences across digital and offline channels. This includes data onboarding (including online/offline matching), proprietary identity graph, client ownership of first-party data, persistent individual and/or household ID, compliance with data privacy regulations, APIs for third-party system integration, and pre-built connections to martech/adtech platforms.

Using an identity resolution platform can provide a number of benefits to businesses, including deeper customer insights, accurate personalization, more seamless customer experiences, stronger privacy governance, risk and compliance, enhanced cross-channel attribution and campaign tracking, and increased marketing ROI.

Identity resolution is essential for compliance with consumer privacy laws such as CCPA and GDPR, and is not only critical to marketing success but also a priority for businesses. To learn more about the capabilities and benefits of identity resolution platforms, download our free report or explore the platforms in the latest edition of the MarTech Intelligence Report.

Originally reported by Martech:
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