Digital Smiles

Unlock the Power of the DOSE Framework for Marketing Success

Written by AI Generated | 28 March 2023

Marketing is both an art and a science, and understanding how to connect creative work to the customer journey is key for successful businesses. The DOSE framework, pioneered by Tony Crisp, is a methodology that maps each stage of the customer journey to a primary neurotransmitter. During the ‘Seek’ stage, dopamine drives customers to pursue goals, so marketing efforts should create an elevated sense of anticipation. During the ‘Choose’ stage, oxytocin facilitates pair bonding, so building trust between an offering and the brand is key. During the ‘Use’ stage, serotonin plays a role in mood and consumer decisions, while endorphins reduce psychological pain during the ‘Fix’ stage. The DOSE framework offers specific actions and an overarching approach that guides creative thinking, allowing businesses to give their brand a competitive advantage with a healthy dose of marketing science.

Originally reported by Martech:
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